
Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Back in Session, Ready to Serve Ward Residents

After two months of summer intermission, Advisory Neighborhood Commissionsaround the District of Columbia gear up for their first meetings and residents’ new and lingering issues.

“The world of our ANC is a busy one – with lots of different issues coming at us all the time,” said Dave Garrison, ANC 6B01 commissioner.

Each ward is faced with issues specific to its neighborhood history, residents and developments. Garrison said that major developments in Ward 6, as well as those in the surrounding area, will present future issues.

Specifically in Ward 6, Garrison said there is a steady flow of zoning, Historic Preservation Review and liquor license cases each month. Garrisons 6B01 area includes 5th Street and East Capitol to 3rd Street and South Capitol Street.

“We also have a full plate of proposed zoning text amendment proposals to deal with now that we are part of the … city’s recently updated comprehensive plan,” Garrison said. “All of those developments … are presenting and will present complicating issues for us to consider.”

Ken Jarboe said that the commission has an important job. Jarboe is the vice chair and 6B05 commissioner, an area including East Capitol Street from 8th to 13th streets.

“We are the front lines for citizens,” he said.

The ANCs leadership is made up of residents of the neighborhoods that are directly affected by government actions.

According to the Ward 6 ANC Web site, “the ANCs present their positions and recommendations on issues to various District government agencies, the executive branch and the council.”

Each ward and its subdivisions hold monthly meetings and forums for residents to address issues.

“We serve as the eyes and ears for the community and provide a monthly public forum for the discussion of all of the issues,” Garrison said.

The ward 6 ANCB meeting is scheduled the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

For more information about monthly meetings in your ward, visit your local ANC Web site .