
Osama’s Bin-Hidden, But Not For Long!

Join The Stepped-Up Efforts to Find Osama bin Laden in ”Where’s Osama?”

The government can’t find Osama bin Laden, but now you can withtoday’s release of ”Where’s Osama?”. The eagerly anticipatedsatirical pictorial book simplifies the search for the most wantedman in the world and the search will soon be over! Finding Osamabin Laden has proven even more difficult than correctly pronouncingthe word ”strategy.” With this new book, the search will beeasier than ever before.The book, the brain-child ofCarolyn Langer, a 17-year old High School student and aspiringartist, now brings the search to the masses in ”Where’s Osama”, averitable cornucopia of illustrated scenarios that asks the readerto lead the hunt and un-cover him in his hiding places. Each of theten (10) scenarios are original in design and feature a blend ofreality and comic interpretation of themes we’ve all grown up with.Some of the featured scenes include:
* The Road to Tora Bora – a spirited romp though themountains of Afghanistan with the US troops in hot pursuit!
* Night Moves – Night vision goggle-clad Taliban membersstaying one-step ahead of their pursuers!
* Rock the Casbah – It’s time to party at the localmosque!
* Midnight at the Oasis – Taking time out while on the runand enjoying one of the nicer desert getaways!
* Cheeseburger in Paradise – Even Al Qaeda travels on theirstomachs and what better place to re-fuel than at Osama’sRestaurant!
”Where’s Osama?” will instantly become a valuable addition foranyone that follows the hunt by allowing you to get personallyinvolved in the pursuit and wonder why if it’s now so easy for youto find him, our government still can’t!

About the Author
Carolyn Langer is just like most other 17-year old High Schooljuniors in that she likes all the latest music and movies andenjoys spending time with her friends. She plays guitar, is a whizon the computer, and is rapidly increasing her graphic arts anddesign skills – a growing passion that will likely become herfield of study in college. The opportunity to create ”Where’sOsama” was too attractive to let slip by and by applying her keensense of humor and graphic design skills to the challenge turnedthe idea into her first published work. She seized on theopportunity to bring a humorous spin to a real-life crisis facingthe world today and looks forward to the time when all of the bravehunters can be re-united with their families. Orders can beplaced at http://www.wheres-osama.com and inquiries made atinfo@wheres-osama.com

Further Information
A limited number of Editorial Review copies of ”Where’s Osama?”are available, as well as, sample PDFs of the cover artwork and anyof the scenes.