
Residents Hit the Polls in Presidential Primary, Local Elections on Tuesday


After a long campaign season, candidates could do nothing but wait as residents went to the polls to cast their vote on who they felt would lead them best. Fifteen percent of all registered voters in the District came out to vote in the primary a 5 percent increase from the 2011 election.  This election has had its share of drama. Scandals have forced one council member, Harry Thomas Jr. from his seat with possible jail time after he was charged with felony counts of theft and filing a false tax return. Due to the vacant seat Ward 5 is holding a special election, taking place on May 15. There were several positions that received under votes, when a voter chooses not to vote on a specific race or issue.  The official count was done April 13, after all votes received.

The prospective winners of the 2012 D.C. Primary Election are… Drum roll please:



Statehood Green

President:Barack Obama 96.25%

PresidentMitt Romney 68.22%

PresidentJill Stein 56.81%

Delegate U.S. House of Representatives:

Eleanor Holmes Norton 90.19%

Delegate U.S. House of Representatives: *Under Votes 84.29%


Delegate U.S. House of Representatives: Natal Lino Strauss 71.02%

At-Large Member of the Council District of Columbia:

Vincent Orange 39.77%

At-Large Member of the Council District of Columbia:

Mary Brooks Beatty 81.68%

At-Large Member of the Council District of Columbia:

Ann C. Wilcox 59.37%

Member of the Council Ward Two:

Jack Evans 80.40%

Member of the Council Ward Two:

Under Votes 86.21%

Member of the Council Ward Two:

Under Votes 58.62%

Member of the Council Ward Four

Muriel E. Bowser 65.39%

Member of the Council Ward Four:

Under Votes 78.82%

Member of the Council Ward Four:

Under Votes 51.31%

Member of the Council Ward Seven:

Yvette M. Alexander 41.94%

Member of the Council Ward Seven:

Ron Moten 57.54%

Member of the Council Ward Seven:

Under Votes 56.75%

Member of the Council Ward Eight:

Marion Barry 75.58%

Member of the Council Ward Eight:

Under Votes 56.25%

Member of the Council Ward Eight:

Write-In 66.66%

United States Senator District of Columbia Michael C. Brown 58.49%

National Committeeman District of Columbia: Bob Kabel 45.03%

United States Senator District of Columbia: Under Votes 68.16%

United States Representative District of Columbia: Nate Benning-Fleming 74.24%

National Committeewoman District of Columbia: Jill Homan 46.61%

United States Representative District of Columbia:Under Votes 70.17%


UnitedStates Representative District of Columbia: Under Votes 87.81%