
Kenneth Cole is Helping Fight AIDS

    Ask fashion designer Kenneth Cole and he will tell you bluntly, “We All Have AIDS.”

In honor of World AIDS Day and the fight against the global pandemic Cole will be selling limited edition T-shirts with the slogan above to remind the non-infected that this is a collective battle for humanity, according to an article in People magazine.

The t-shirts are a part of a HIV/AIDS campaign that Cole came up with to promote awareness. He is the chairman of amfAR, a research and awareness organization and a longtime activist for the cause, People said.

The campaign will feature many celebrities and high-profile people to get the word out. Will Smith, Nelson Mandela, Tom Hanks, Rosie O’ Donnel and Alicia Keys are a handful of celebrities involved in the campaign.

The celebrities put their footprints into slabs of cement and they will be on display in Manhattan on World AIDS Day, according to Contactmusic.com. Noted photographer Mark Seliger took photos of the stars while they were making their prints too.

Cole expressed his frustrations about the fact that 95% of people infected with the virus globally do not know their status. "If we could just get 5 percent to address their status, we could double the amount of people we’re treating and lives we’re saving."

Members of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, a Vogue initiative to help those suffering from HIV/AIDS are behind “7th on Sale,” a big E-bay auction of sample clothing, according to msn.com.

Kenneth Cole, Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren and other designers are involved in this auction of designer clothing, shoes, and accessories.

Though World AIDS Day is just one day out of the year it serves as a reminder for everyone on the planet that the virus is here to stay and we need to address the inefficiencies in prevention, testing and treatment.