
60 Years Later, Why We Still March

Lee Thomas

U.S. Coast Guard Veteran

Lee Thomas, a U.S. veteran, marched to give new meaning to his military service. (Photo: Alyssa Mark/HUNewsService.com)

“I fought to protect the ideals of this country,” Lee Thomas, a proud veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard remarked, his voice carrying the weight of his 30years of service. “But I’m here to march for those ideals to be realized more fully — for everyone, regardless of their background.”

Thomas’s commitment to social justice was not only shaped by his military service but by his own experiences and observations as well. He had witnessed the struggles of friends and colleagues from diverse backgrounds, and these experiences had driven him to become an ally in the fight for equality.

“I want to use my privilege and my voice to amplify the concerns of those who might not be heard as loudly,” Thomas emphasized. “As a white American, I recognize the responsibility I have to speak out against injustice and advocate for a fairer society.”

– Alyssa Mark