Tag Team Marketing was launched in August of 1994 by Brooklynnative Delxino Wilson De Briano, at the age of 25. Over thepast decade Wilson De Briano has achieved great financial success,and through extensive training and education, has embarked onteaching thousands how to follow suit.
Since its inception, Tag Team Marketing hassold millions of dollars worth of products and services includingeducational tapes, seminars, and telecommunication servicesspecifically geared toward the Black community.
The telecommunications industry grossesapproximately $400 billion per year, and through Tag Team’sinitiative, the Black community will directly benefit from thisindustry. For every customer that purchases atelecommunication device or plan, 25 percent will go back into thecommunity in the form of neighborhood programs and/or scholarshipfunds.
African-Americans spend over $656 billiondollars a year contributing to the U.S. economy. It onlymakes sense to benefit from these dollars and to have a slice ofthe American pie.
Tag Team Marketing has developed into anorganization that is relentlessly searching for young Black men andwomen, who want to go into the next phase of the Tag Team Movement,the “1,000 Black Millionaires Project.”
As a member, the opportunity to learnsystematic techniques linked to building powerful groundbreakingcompanies, and improving the lives and minds of thousands of Blacksaround the world, will be provided.
Errol E. Paden, Top Producer of Tag TeamMarketing Washington, D.C., encourages students to get involved,but at a pace, that makes them comfortable.
“While in school, students should takethe opportunity to learn about the valuable technological servicesand business resources that Tag Team has to offer. This willallow students to have a firm knowledge base of the company priorto graduation, and with the knowledge, passion, discipline andmotivation, the Black community will gain a strongvoice.”
Success is knocking at your door of BlackAmerica. Empower the Black community, empower your lovedones, empower yourself. Join the Tag Team Marketing movementand be destined for greatness.
Visit www.tagteammarketing.com or email