Despite the deceiving temperatures and breezydays, spring is officially here. So is the mad scramble tostay on top of new styles and trends.
What's hot now? Purses, purses, andmore purses.
From the Hobo bag to the oversize tote,spring fashion is not complete without our favorite accessory– Purses. The most prominent style this season isdefinitely the Hobo. The perfect mix of casual with just atouch of luxury, this bag goes from business casual to jeans and ababy tee.
You do not have to go out and spend an armand a leg to acquire this new style – although the NeimanMarcus website does feature a denim and white crocodile NancyGonzalez Hobo bag for a mere $790.00 (yeah right!). You can pick upthis style at Neiman's, Arden B., Gap, and anywhere else thathas a drop of fashion sense.
And you can put away your favorite miniaturetotes (you know – the little overpriced Prada bags that holdnothing but your wallet and your M A C lip gloss. Large tote andhand bags have been spotted on the runways from New York to Milan. Whip your fashions into shape withtassels and fringes, some long enough to braid, twists, or just letthem hang. Messenger bags can be paired with the gypsy andbohemian looks of the spring and summer.
The fresh looks of floral and animal prints,beaded designs, and denim prints can also be altered to fit yourfashion fancy. Do not be afraid to step away from top notchdesigners – Gucci is not the only (or the most affordable)way to add some funk to your closet. Try alternativedesigners special to your location. You never know, theymight be the next big thing and trying out their styles gives youthe opportunity to start your own trend instead of carrying thesame signature bag that has already been spotted 10 times on theyard. Since fashion continues to repeat itself, check outyour closest vintage and consignment shops and pick up a designerbag for a tenth of the price. So dare to be different andstep into style – let your senses be yourguide.