According to the report published in Internet Retailer,TigerDirect`s website visitors spend an average of almost 12minutes on the site. This time of 11 minutes and 53 seconds isnearly 1 1/2 minutes longer than second-ranked eBay, at 10 minutes33 seconds. The report continues to detail TigerDirect alsooutranked other leading computer and electronic sites such asCompUSA, CircuitCity, BestBuy, RadioShack, Sony Electronics,, and OSDN.
TigerDirect has steadily increased its presence on the dot-comradar in the last several years with consistent customer trafficgrowth under the hands-on leadership of CEO Gilbert Fiorentino.
”This is evidence of the quality service and products we providehere, the convenience and ease of using our website, and thesatisfaction that our customers enjoy,” says CEO GilbertFiorentino. ”I am pleased with the results of our continuingefforts to broaden the quality, and scope of our e-commerceservices as we approach our 20th Anniversary.”
TigerDirect`s catalog has been known to many as a ”technologyhandbook” for years. The company now extends its ability to informconsumers via its growing presence on the Internet. TigerDirect`shomepage offers visitors a snapshot of the best deals available atthe moment. It reflects the company’s focus on bringing thegreatest values on the best computer hardware and related equipmentdirectly to the consumer and business customer. has also been ranked the #1 Computer HardwareComponents site and the #5 Computer Hardware site (based ontraffic), behind Dell, HP, IBM, and Sun. This most recent data fromAlexa (, reported in Internet Retailer,confirms the popularity of the TigerDirect product offering and itsenhanced web site content. The increase in online traffic showsthat shoppers are discovering that TigerDirect offers many of thebest deals for computer-related products and is an excellent sourcefor customer interaction.
”Keeping our customers genuinely interested in our market leadingoffers, products and services, is a continuous challenge wefiercely defend and expand upon, hence the longer stay of ouractual or prospective customers,” concludes CEO Fiorentino.
About TigerDirect, Inc.
TigerDirect, Inc. ( (a subsidiary ofSystemax Inc. (NYSE:SYX)) is part of an integrated system ofbranded e-commerce web sites, direct mail catalogs, andrelationship marketing companies selling private-label andname-brand PC hardware, related computer products and industrialproducts to consumers and businesses in North America and Europewith 2003 annual sales of $1.66 billion.