As Jason stepped on the stage to receive his cash prize his eyeslit up. He was happy that he would be fifty dollars richerthan he was a minute ago. As he walked back in his victory he wasconfronted by a friend. His friend politely reminded him thathe owed him fifty dollars. Jason, still in shock of his winnings,looked at his friend and laughed. Again his friend reminded him ashe walked away and Jason got a little frustrated and said,”Man I don’t owe you anything.”
As Jason walked back to his seat anger wasseen in his face because of the confrontation with his friend.Again Jason’s friend approached him at his seat and explainedthat Jason owed him the money from a month ago. After an uglyexchange of words Jason relentlessly gave up the money.
Did Jason really win the money? Winningisn’t everything when you can’t enjoy it. Once otherssee that you have reached a peak, there is always someone to bringdown your high. What’s even more blissful is when you winsomething that you can’t enjoy.
Too many times people get caught up in themoment that they forget about reality. It’s so easy to getcaught up in your winnings, but what will happen win everything isgone. Those whom you have left in the wind will not be there foryou anymore. Someone has to lose and when you forget who you arebecause of what you have, you are the ultimate loser.
Karen and Joan went to their localcollege’s raffle. Joan decided half way through the rafflethat she did not want to stay the full time. She gave Karen herticket and asked her to tell her if she won anything. Karen felt asthough she would never win anything and was ready to give up whenthe ticket Joan gave her got called. The prize was free housing fora year in the most expensive dorm on campus.
Karen became ecstatic and rushed to the stageto claim the prize. She called her mom and told her the great news.As she walked back to her room she remembered that the ticket shewon with was really Joan’s. She debated whether or not sheshould tell Joan. She knew that you had to be present to win andthat the prize was not really tangible.
After a couple of hours she went to tell Joanthe news. Joan became very excited, but remembered that she wouldbe studying abroad the next year and that she could not use thefree housing. However, she still wanted to see if she could use itthe year she returns. As Karen walked back from Joan’s roomanger filled her.
She knew that it was right to tell Joan, butshe was mad that the prize was no longer hers. She felt like alooser. She thought that the prize was hers, but her consciencetold her that part of it was Joan’s.
Karen made the right decision in telling Joanof her winning, but she really did not win. As quick as she won,she quickly lost at the same time. She knew that it wasJoan’s ticket when she accepted the prize, but reality didnot set in until she began to walk back to her room.
She did not know how to lose, as many peopledo not. Winning isn’t everything in life. What matters ishonesty and remembering who you were before you won and who youwill remain after the prize is gone. If you were to win today andyou know someone who needs the prize more than you, would you bewilling to give it up?
Many would consider that as losing, but in theend you win respect and dignity. Knowing that you have done a gooddeed or paid off a debt is more rewarding. Looking at the biggerpicture, rather than the moment is always benefiting in the end.Those who choose to win for self gain end up losing more that theprize; but honesty is the real reward.