WWW.BREAKBUSHOFF.com, produced by The Media Fund, is sweepingacross all news baring mediums in an effort to reveal how thiselection will have a direct impact on the lives of AfricanAmericans.
The Russ Par Morning Show on 93.9 WKYS, The Donnie Simpson Showon WPGC 95.5 and other radio stations owned by Radio OneBroadcasting Inc. have been religiously replaying the informativecommercials produced by The Media Fund since the end of theprimaries.
When the commercials begin, a deep, male voice is readingstatistics that are the result of Bush’s four-year reign aspresident, while “Break You Off” by the Roots plays softly in thebackground.
“There’s too much at stake here. Don’t keep getting played. Goto www.breakbushoff.com” advises the voice to end thecommercial.
BET has also managed to support The Media Fund by adding thecommercials to their daily rotation of video shows, sitcoms andnews broadcasts.
According to the website, since Bush has been in office:
- The unemployment for African Americans hasincreased 10.9 percent.
- African American job loss has outpaced whitejob loss.
- 1.1 million more African Americans now livein poverty.
- The public housing capital fund budget forrenovation of public housing was slashed as Bush proposed $2.5billion in cuts in more than three years.
- Bush cut back $33 billion in his own “NoChild Left Behind” package and now more than 200,000 AfricanAmerican children are left behind.
- There are 700,000 more uninsured AfricanAmericans.
- 15 percent of African American children haveno health insurance at all.
- African American senior citizens are morethan twice as likely as whites to report that they can not affordprescription medication.
The website also includes attributed statistical informationabout changes in the country’s economy, job opportunities,rise in goods and services, wage growth, and the War in Iraq sincewhile Bush was in office.
“The Media Fund is the largest media buying organizationsupporting a progressive message and defending Democrats fromattack ads funded by the deep pockets of the Right Wing,” accordingto the website.
The Media Fund is an independent political organization made upof Democratic activists who are striving “to conceive, produceand place TV, radio, print and Internet advertising in battlegroundstates across the country to define the issues for the 2004 local,state and national election”