Bill Cosby, expanding on his controversial remarks at a HowardUniversity event last spring, said the key to improving conditionsamong low income Black Americans is better parenting.
Cosby spoke Wednesday at forum in Washington,DC sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Hecriticized Black parents who allow their children to be “managed bya cell phone” and show little interest in their children’seducation.
The African American community seems to havedual perspectives on the appropriateness of his remarks. Although his comments were applauded at last night’s convention,some have dubbed them an insult to the Black race. Othersclaim there is a need for the dirty laundry to be aired.
Sitting on a two-hour panel joined byeducators, authors and academics such as Deborah Jewell-Sherman,superintendent of Richmond Public Schools and Marian WrightEdelman, president of the Children’s Defense Fund, the entertainerdiscussed topics including the low-income level of the Blackcommunity, and the mis-education of Black students.
“Know what your children are doing,” saidCosby during the panel at the Washington Convention Center,defending his prior controversial critique.