News Lab Gentrification Project
- Effects of gentrification (experiences of)
- Low income
- High income
- Property owners
- Newcomers
- Source of income
- How are they treated?
- Benefits vs. Disadvantages
- Quotes/voices
- Chocolate City commentary
- Before/After Stories
- Demographic time table
- Recreation/facilities
- Stadium
- Dog parks
- Schools
- Entertainment
- “The Plan,” persistent theories on a “plan” to change the complexion of D.C.
- Rental programs
- Profiles of condo owners
- Mixed use properties/Section 8
- Percentiles reflecting how much more property was sold for during bubble
- Serial movers (running from gentrification)
- Minority business ownership
- Business growth for some
- Developers/construction
- Existing Businesses
- Holding out
- Importance of keeping their presence
- What have they been offered?
- Differences in marketing/stocking (i.e., Starbucks, supermarkets w/gourmet sections)
- Dixon’s idea to plot locations of liquor stores and sources of fresh produce in certain neighborhoods or citywide
Need a Name for the Project (Please make suggestions):
All Eyes on D.C.: How Gentrification Is Transforming the Nation’s Capital
D.C. Through Many/Different Eyes:
Trading Places: Gentrification in Washington D.C.
Trading Places: How Gentrification Is Shifting Around D.C.’s Residents
Capital Changes: Gentrification in Washington D.C.
Capital Changes: How Gentrification Is Transforming D.C.
There Goes the Neighborhood?
Deal Estate: How Money Is Transforming D.C.’s Neighborhoods
Home, Sweet Gentrifying Home”
A Place Called Home:
Follow the Dollar: How Money Is Transforming D.C.’s Neighborhoods
A Dollar and a ??
Is It All About the Benjamins? A Special Report on Gentrification in D.C.
Capital Changes: How Gentrification Is Transforming D.C. From a Chocolate to Neapolitan City
From Chocolate to Neapolitan: How Gentrification Is Changing the Flavor of D.C.
Common Ground
A Different D.C.: How Gentrification Is Transforming the Nation’s Capital