Four years ago, the Department of Journalism fielded one of the largest collegiate or professional news teams to cover the historic election of Barack Obama. We published and distributed 20 video packages, hundreds of photos and 80 articles. Our work was picked up by news organization nationally. Some students won awards and professional recognition for their work. Some used the coverage to round out their portfolios with pictures, professionally edited articles and video packages.
Back then we blogged and wrote Facebook posts; Twitter was in its fancy. This time around, social media will have a large presence. We are looking to do the same thing this year, but even better. That’s where you come in.
Join us for a student election meeting from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, in the Converged Media Lab, room 229. We’ll meet again on Nov. 7 to review your great work and discuss post-election and inauguration coverage.
Click here, or copy and paste the link below into your browser to fill out the assignment form to participate in our team coverage of the 2012 Election.
Want NPR to Showcase Your Videos?
Howard University is joining other campuses in a partnership with National Public Radio in covering the election. This is part of NPR’s “Vote 2012: College Tour” initiative.NPR is very interested in student-produced videos for the “Listen to Me” component, and this is a great opportunity to showcase your work nationally.
You just need to ask three specific questions in your interviews, separated by NPR’s transition pages, which we will provide along with a credit page for Go to to see examples.
If you already have video experience, you can get started. If not, come to our meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 31, for more details. Your professor also has information about this project.
Each video should be in a .mov/QuickTime format, and you must provide the meta data about the video’s contents (user’s name, etc.). You must also submit a source sheet, as indicated in the link below.
NPR is also encouraging students to take its Political Party Quiz and try making campaign ads at
Listen to Me:
Good Example:
Source Sheet:
Digital Map: