Howard University Students Demand Change
Throngs of Howard University students took a stand before the administration building in Washington on Friday morning to demand change, adding that “enough is enough.”
For years, students have complained about Howard University’s office of administration and financial aid and the lack of on-campus housing but this year marked the final blow.
Following a stream of text messages Thursday evening, students were informed to wear black the next morning at the “Take a Stand” protest, where students made a number of demands including, extended hours of operation for the financial aid office, the implementation of a recycling plan, a wireless campus, updated handicap entrances and elevators, and immediate validation of students with university scholarships.
Standing amid more than 350 students, one protester held a sign that read: “Can you hear us now?”
The student government president, Bryan Smart, sent Facebook messages out to students Friday evening along with the above demands which read: “Today was great; however we have so much work to do to ensure our needs are met. If our demands are not addressed by Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009, we will be forced to take further action.
“We have the attention of the administration, our alumni and the world. We must convey a message that says we love our university so much that we would assist in moving forward. Thank you Howard for standing up and reminding the world that we are capable.”