
Rapper Twista Injured in Car Crash

Illinois State University Concert Still on Schedule


Seems Twista has more to worry about these daysthan rap lyrics. The Chicago rapper, whose real name is CarlMitchell, was in a car crash early last week that injured five andkilled a member of his security staff.

The van which was traveling from Syracuse, NY toChicago on Interstate 90 veered from traffic and flipped over intothe median around 4 a.m. Monday morning in Erie, Pa. All passengersexcept the driver, who was the only wearing a seatbelt, wereejected from the vehicle.

Mitchell’s long time friend and bodyguard, Arthur Dixon,conceded to his injuries and was pronounced dead at St.Vincent’s Health Center in Erie. Another passenger, RonaldoJones, remains in stable condition at the hospital. Mitchell andthree other people along for the ride were treated for minorinjuries and released.

No charges have been filed against driver Otis Bankhead ofChicago, who police believe fell asleep at the wheel. The rappermay also face charges after Erie police complete theirinvestigation.

Mitchell, 30, is best known for his hit Slow Jamz whichfeatured rapper Kanye West and Jamie Foxx. In 1992, he earned aspot in the Guinness World Records as the fastest rapper in theworld and is approaching double-platinum status with his newest LP,Kamikaze.

Despite Monday’s tragic accident, Mitchell’s next tour dateremains set for Sept. 17 at Illinois StateUniversity, according toconcert site Pollstar.com.