Spring may not be in full bloom yet, but seasonal allergies are.With the recent cold and warm weather combination patterns, allergyvictims may experience more severe symptoms this year. Tampa,Louisville, Orlando and 22 other U.S. cities rank among the worstspring allergy cities and residents can expect to encounter theworst allergy conditions.
Forty million Americans suffer from allergicrhinitis, also known as nasal allergies, which are commonlyassociated with nasal congestion, watery eyes, sneezing and anitchy runny nose. However, a recent survey conducted by thepharmaceutical makers of Flonase revealed that many allergysufferers may be unaware of how to best treat their nasal allergiessymptoms.
The first step in allergy management isavoiding products and environments that trigger your allergies. Butbecause many allergens are airborne it is almost impossible toavoid them at all times. However, there are several things that canbe done to relieve and treat nasal allergies. The most effectiveway is medication.
According to the World Health Organizationnasal sprays are considered first-line therapy for nasal allergies.Other lines of defense include prescribed medications such asantihistamines, decongestants, and/or intranasalcorticosteroids.
“For as long as I can remember, I always hadreally intense allergies. I eventually had to go to a specialistfor special medications because my allergies became unbearable,”said Ciara Lattimore, a junior education student at Clark AtlantaUniversity.
Not only are allergy specialists qualified toprescribe certain medications, but they are trained to identifyother possible sources of allergens. Several studies have foundthat people who suffer from allergies often are hypersensitive tocertain foods. One particular study found that people allergic tograss pollen also react to tomatoes, peanuts, wheat, apple,carrots, celery, peach, melon, eggs and pork.
Alternative treatments for nasal allergiesinclude homeopathy, acupuncture, and massage therapy.