Dr. Stephen Jones is on a mission to prepare students both youngand old for success in college through the teachings of his bookSeven Secrets of How to Study. The book is designed tohelp combat the staggering drop out rate of 50 percent of highschool students and 53 percent of college students.
After spending 20 years making sure low-incomestudents had the necessary skills for success in higher education,Dr. Jones spent five years researching to write a book that wasstraightforward, simple, and easy to read. Upon the book’spublication, Dr. Jones will be the first African American to writea book of this kind.
Seven Secrets of How to Study is agreat resource not only for parents motivated about helping theirchildren’s academic career but also for those who believe themonetary cost of education is too high. Included in the bookare dozens of resources to help students and parents findscholarships and other ways to help pay the high costs ofeducation.
Each year about $90 billion of financial aidis available to students and parents, half of it unclaimed becausestudents are either unaware or do know how to take the proper stepsto obtain it for themselves.
Dr. Jones, a Philadelphia native, knows theimportance of strong study habits being the first in his family toattend college. He earned a bachelors degree in CommunityPsychology from Widener University, obtained his master’s degree inEducation from Howard University, master’s in Business fromPhiladelphia University, and a doctorate in Education from WidenerUniversity.
Throughout his career, Dr. Jones has obtainedmany awards for excellence in his field including ToastmastersDistrict Award, National Society of Black Engineers Award, Engineerof the Year Award, and recently the Drexel University chapter ofthe National Society of Black Engineers has named an award afterhim entitled the Dr. Stephen Jones Award for AcademicExcellence.
Because of his excellent work in motivatingthousands of students and teaching them ways to achieve their goalsof both getting in and staying in college, Dr. Jones is receivingnotoriety on the national level. He was spotlighted in theSeptember 2004 issue of Essence Magazine in an article thataddresses the problem of retention rates in school.
In the coming months, Dr. Jones will bestarting his book tour, which will be based on the teachingsoutlined in his book. In his seminars, Dr. Jones also trainsteachers, counselors, and mentors interactively so that they willbe able to effectively guide students to college.
So far, Dr. Jones has been invited to speak inmany places around the country including such cities as Atlanta,Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia. His next speakingengagement will be in Philadelphia on the Sept. 25, where he willbe conducting a workshop called “Seven Secrets of How To MotivateYour Students.”
Dates and times for all of his engagementshave not been published.
For more information check out www.sevensecrets-books.com or calltoll-free 1.800.533.6032.
Inquiries to Dr. Jones can be sent tostephenjoness@rcn.com.