Every woman wants to look her best. For women of color,this is not always an easy task. From the lack of productsavailable for our skin, to the varying texture of our hair, manyBlack women are left lost and confused as they search for the bestbeauty regimen.
Thanks to Natasha Dobson, author of “Our Beauty: TheAfrican-American Female Guide to Skin Care, Hair Care, and More,”the plight is over. The newly published beauty manual isdescribed as “a piece that may become the Black woman’s one stepsource for all her beauty needs.”
Not your average beauty manual, “Our Beauty,”digs deep into the details of beauty care for women ofcolor. With intensive chapters focusing on the history andevolution of Black hair and its products, the structure of the skinand nails, as well as tips on finding the best salons and nailtechnicians, the book serves as an overall beauty bible. Itis designed to answer any question about peripheral beauty andseeks to make each possessor an expert in the field.
Dobson says this of her handbook in a pressrelease distributed by BlackPR.com: “Skin, hair, and nails are thecenterpieces of a Black woman’s outer beauty. They are whatwe see when we look at ourselves closely in the mirror. Thishandbook, “Our Beauty,” is a definitive resource to make sure youcan look in the mirror with confidence because you’re doing what’sbest for your skin, hair, and nails.”
“Our Beauty” is available immediately forpurchase and is sold through www.ndeeobeauty.com where readerscan read sample chapters and explore the book’s table ofcontents.