During the spring semester, the housing selection process beginsat universities and colleges across the nation. As schoolsbecome more technologically advanced, the dorm selection processhas morphed from a written application, to a PDF file, and now anonline selection process.
Upperclassmen like Howard University biologymajor Jessica Wright can remember the way things were done beforethe Internet and says it were unmethodical.
“I remember the year that they ran out ofhousing here. It was my sophomore year, and they had studentsliving in hotels in Maryland and Virginia, it was ridiculous,” shesaid. Last year with the process being on the Internet it wasmuch better organized, easily accessible, and just all around abetter way to do things. I am glad that this program wasimplemented,” said Wright.
Student who attend other schools say similarmeasures had to be taken to accommodate students during housingcrunches.
The University of Maryland College Park uses asimilar Internet process; however, College Park students have tosubmit an agreement before April 2 at midnight. Followingtheir agreement submission, the students receive an e-mailconfirmation that they print out for their records, with theirhousing assignment on it.
Some universities do not complete the entireprocess on-line, but the option is available for students. Students at Catholic University can download the applicationfor housing from their housing and residential services website.Students must then submit their applications via the Internet backto the residential services office, and are notified within a shortperiod of their housing assignment for the following year.
Alexis Ferrara, a junior history major atCatholic University said that she couldn’t remember there everbeing a housing shortage at her school in the time that she hasbeen there.
“Things have been going well here withhousing, since I have been here. I don’t remember anyonehaving any problems with getting a room.”
Sophomore Shawanna Brinkley, at FloridaA&M University agrees. Brinkley said that housing isnever an issue on their campus.
“We have nothad a housing problem since I have been here,” said Brinkley. “We have other problems like the administration and theirslow processing, but thank God our university housing department isnot a problem yet.”