
The Phone Frontier


It seems that every month or so designers add new  features on  cell phones in order to attract more customers

First it was the internet, then the camera phone and now phones offer video streaming. If everyday people could put on the lab coats and design the phones, what features would they add?

Daniel Adams has had his Sanyo phone for almost a year and he feels behind the times. Though it is functioning properly, the HowardUniversity junior broadcast major feels a “subconscious pressure” to upgrade his phone. “If I could create a special feature I would make a service-resilient chip that would allow me to hear anyone anywhere.”

Adams‘ Sanyo phone often has him shouting “Can you hear me now?”

Unless a picture is downloaded, there is no way to pre-screen the caller. Many people feel uncomfortable with answering private or unavailable calls for fear that it may be anyone from a bill-collector to an ex-boyfriend.

Marissa Jones, a senior political science major at Howard would like an identifying component to every cell-phone. “There should be something that shows who the caller is, like a mandatory picture. That way, you know whether or not to answer and there are no surprises.”

The internet connection many cell-phones provide is often used to download ringtones and send text messages, but most people do not do in depth surfing. Mia Hall, a sophomore marketing major at FAMU has trouble with driving and getting accurate directions. “I wish phones had like an installed MapQuest without the hassle of actually going online. If I could have my phone recite directions to me, I’d never be lost again” Hall said.

Michael Arceneaux, a senior print journalism major at Howard is a frequent user of AOL’s instant messenger service. Arceneaux uses this feature online to chat with friends with a quick response. “I would install instant messenger. Text messaging takes forever for the person to respond,” he said. He suggested a little key pad with letters to avoid typing the same number several times.

. Technology is advancing swiftly and phones with no extra features will soon be hard to find. “One day people will be laughing at our phones like we do the box phones of the 80s but the evolution is refreshing,” Arceneaux said.