I’m an Authentic Apple, Scottish Terrier, Critic. Confused?Those are all personality types that are determined by the variousquizzes on Tickle.com (or emode.com).
Millions log onto online quizzes each year, and the numbers show nosign of slowing. According to the New York Times. ComScore MediaMatrix estimates that the site had 14.3 million visitors lastDecember, up from 5.6 million a year earlier.
Many find the free, short quizzes to be a fast way to delve alittle deeper into their personalities. One of the most basicquizzes is “The Ultimate Personality Quiz”. It is comprised of 50multiple choice questions, such as “I have lots of energy” and “Ilike situations that need some real thinking”. Users can choosefrom answers that range from “strongly agree” to “stronglydisagree”.
The Ultimate Personality Quiz takes about five minutes to complete.Many feel that this length is ideal for a test of this type. Seniorradiation therapy major, Najeeb Crossley agreed “It wasn’t long.”When asked about the quality of the test, he responded “if you wanta reasonable answer, the test should be of some substance.”
Although, the quizzes take very little time to complete, five toseven minutes at the maximum, they offer surprisingly accurateresults. Since the questions are aimed at finding the real you, itdoesn’t take very long for your personality type to be determined.Before taking the quiz, sophomore computer science major, TonjaAlexander was skeptical about the outcome of her results. However,”Surprisingly, the results fit my personality to a tee,” statedAlexander. “It is amazing that through a series of 50 questions, mypersonality type can be determined.”
Although all of the quizzes on the site are free, users have theoption of paying $9.95 for a more detailed analysis of theirpersonality types. However, many feel that this is unnecessary, andthat the brief results are enough. Lori Ward, Sophomore politicalscience major, “No, it’s not worth paying for. You don’t need topay someone to tell you about yourself. If you do, you need to paymore than $10 to get some help.”
Tickle also offers a dating service. For $19.95 a month, users cannetwork with one another. Users can create a profile using generalinformation about themselves. In addition, they can include theresults from the various quizzes on the site. So not only willothers know your likes and dislikes, they will know what type ofanimal or fruit you are.