Usher’s Album Reaches the Top of theCharts
“Confessions,” which was released on March23rd, is said to debut at the top of Billboard Hot 200album charts next week. Its success may help take the recordingindustry out of the long slump they have been experiencing, due tothe illegal downloading of music. Usher’s first-week sales were thebest in Arista’s 30-year-history. His last album, “8701,” releasedin 2001, sold more than 3 million copies.
The Neptune’s May Undergo a NameChange
Pharell Williams, one of themost sought-after producers in the music industry, told MTV acouple of weeks ago “It’s not the name, it’s the music thatmatters,” when Chad and Pharell were questioned about the recenthype regarding the Neptune’s name being changed. Music producersPharell Williams and Chad Hugo feel a name change for theirproduction projects may be necessary and according to the duo theydon’t want to be labeled. The Neptune’s feel they stand for morethan what their name suggests and ultimately want to be noted fortheir talent and not their name. Pharell stated, “We’re not reallytrying to be anything. We are not really rock or hip-hop; we justmake music we feel.”
Nelly is Forced to Cancel Appearanceat Spelman College
Outraged by rapper Nelly’s portrayalof black woman in his videos, Spelman College in Atlanta has forcedthe Grammy award wining hip hop artist along with his foundation,4 sho 4 kids, to cancel a bone marrow drive on campus.According to the Vice President for student affairs, Dr. ZenobiaHikes, several students spoke out when they discovered that Nelly’sfoundation was sponsoring the drive and that Nelly would actuallybe showing up on campus. Students from Spelman in conjunction withstudents from neighboring men’s college, Morehouse, made plans toorganize a demonstration on campus, then word got back to Nelly’sfoundation. Shortly after the bone marrow drive was cancelled.