
Apple Opens a New Window

With growing dependence and increased use of computer technology it is no wonder that Apple’s newest proposal is stirring up such a buzz.

In early 2006, Apple Computer Inc., released the first edition of a series of computers that will allow consumers to use a Windows interface (operating system) on the Apple personal computer, commonly known as Mac. This development is revolutionary in the technological field. While computers that use Windows operating systems are susceptible to over 114,000 viruses, the Mac computers will not fall prey to these predators.

"I love my Mac. I don’t have to deal with viruses, computer freezes and crashes, security breeches, etc," said Alex Cravanas, a student majoring electrical engineering and medicine at Howard University. "When you spend a lot of time downloading music and surfing the internet, it is almost inevitable that you will come into contact with a virus, when using a Mac, you almost never have to worry about that."

It’s not just viral immortality that has computer geeks around the globe foaming at the mouth. It is the flexibility and compatibility that this new system provides. Until now, the subject of computing has been divided into two major categories: Apple or Windows. Users can now have the best of both worlds, downloading and running files from both operating systems.

The system, called Mac OS X Tiger, combines the navigational ease of Windows with the functional reliability of Apple, and is expected to be extremely successful. Apple has also announced its decision to use Intel processors, which enables Windows compatability, in all of it’s machines by 2007.

For those who already own capable Apple computers and are itching to try the Windows interface, Apple has provided Bootcamp Public Beta. This program is designed to install and run Windows XP on the Mac computers, and permits the transfer and sharing of files between the two systems. Apple also included a feature that allows users to chose between Mac OS X and Windows by pressing the option key at startup.

While there is much excitement about this development, it is being received by some, with mixed feelings.

"I like my computer just the way it is. I bought a Mac computer, because I enjoyed how it was different from Windows, said Monique Alves, a senior majoring in economics at Columbia University."I think that the interface is a lot more comfortable and user friendly. This new technology is fine and well, but I hope that its not too different. The unique interface is what gives Apple it’s appeal, in my opinion."