Apprenticestar Kwame Jackson may beDonald Trump’s runner up, but the 29-year-old is becomingquick competition for his TV boss.
Jackson, agraduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill andHarvard University, recently closed a multi-billion dollar realestate deal in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Alongwith two partners, Jackson’s plans include the development of 550acres of land into residential and commercial property that willprovide over 32,000 jobs throughout the state.
This businessdeal is especially sweet for The Apprentice runner up, who is anative of the Washington, D.C. metro area, and has consequentlywitnessed the disparaging numbers of African Americans who own andsell property. “This project is about creating alasting legacy of African American entrepreneurialism on a grandscale, with a focus on ownership,” said Jackson.
The $3.8 millionRosewood project is named after the well-to-do African Americancommunity in Florida that was destroyed after false claims weremade about the assault of a white woman. The constructionplans, which are set to begin in 2006, were made to model whatRosewood might look like if it were standingtoday.
Unlike some ofhis co-stars, Jackson has chosen not to stretch his fifteen minutesof fame, opting to use his experience to further his businesscareer. “For me, The Apprentice was thebeginning. It’s not a ceiling, it’s afloor,” Jackson told The Associated Press lastTuesday.
He and hispartners also founded Legacy Development, LLC, a company positionedto engage in real estate development projects and real estateinvestment opportunities.
The second seasonof the apprentice will air on Sept. 9.