“It all starts with the mind. As soon as I learned that, everything started happening for me. If you truly believe something, it will happen. Yea, it’s pretty much that simple.”
The voice of 22-year-old Taylor Bryant, aspiring entrepreneur from NY, NY, is both exuberant and optimistic as she sits in front of her leafy salad on a park bench near Friendship Heights and begins speaking of “the secret”. Bryant strongly believes that the mind is in complete control over one’s life; a belief that stems from the belief in the Law of Attraction. This philosophy about life has led her to facilitate The Movers and Shakers Society.
The young-minded woman began the works of creating a small enterprise of young entrepreneurs; it would become a networking group for college kids who wanted to meet and work with people like themselves. “DC is an up-and-coming place for movers and shakers. And most importantly, there are a lot of colleges in the same area to reach out to,” says business partner Jessica Elliot.
Bryant settled for the name MSS which stood for The Movers and Shakers Society. Both Elliot and Bryant hope to gain a following starting in the DC metropolitan area and eventually nationally, but, at this point, they are in the start up stages. Currently waiting for the trademark and LCC, Bryant has been reaching out to different college campuses stressing the importance of a strong network of people who have similar goals and aspirations. “I know for a fact that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. Everything just comes in sequence,” says Bryant. “That’s where “the secret” comes into play. Believe me, it hasn’t always been like this.”
After explaining her beliefs in the Law of Attraction and the ways that it has improved her life and shaped her entrepreneurial skills, she went on to explain her background. “Everyone comes from somewhere, and that somewhere is what shapes them. My life was pretty ordinary to me,” Bryant says. “I started off like most college students. It wasn’t until I changed my thinking from the ordinary to the extraordinary, that ideas started flowing”
Taylor Bryant began with a very similar story to most college students. After graduating from Shepshead Bay High School, she began an education at FIT studying fashion merchandising and business administration. Before graduation, she racked up on some very impressive internships during her schooling. Bryant’s first internship was at Elle Magazine as a fashion intern, which led her to becoming a personal intern for one of the fashion editors at the time. From there, she went on to different PR agencies in the city. Bryant remembers, “I networked my ass off! I tried my best to meet as many people as possible.” These networking skills led her to meet her future business partner.
“I didn’t like her at first because she was my competition. I just remember her being very very aggressive. She stayed at the office long hours and helped when it wasn’t necessary,” says Elliot. “But then I realized that I could work with her because she was one of the very few that thought like me!”
Approaching her final year at FIT, Bryant and Elliot began thinking of ways they could make their own money without working for someone else. ” Growing up, I never really gave entrepreneurship that much thought, but, now, I really could never work for anyone else,” says Bryant.
They say if you can make it in New York, than you can make it anywhere. However, Bryant opted to not begin in NY; instead, she packed up her things and came to DC. “I didn’t really understand it, they lived in such a great city to start a business, but Taylor kept saying there was something in DC,” says Bryant’s mother Constance Bryant. It was a bold move, but Bryant expresses that everything in her told her that DC was where she needed to be.
The decision to re-locate worked in the girls favor considering that they have been featured in many personal blogs along with recognition from public relations professionals such as Michelle Previlon, creator and owner of Posh Circumstance. “Taylor is doing amazing work to just be starting. I definitely support and work towards getting the movement more exposure,” says Previlon. ” I mean, honestly, there aren’t too many organizations doing this successfully in the DC area.”
Bryant hopes to gain national exposure eventually, but knows that it must start small to be something greater. The help she is receiving from other professionals is fueling the fire that is soon to hit DC.
“Could you imagine if there was a network of all amazing people who are on the up-and-up? Everyone helps one another. Everyone succeeds,” says Bryant. As The Movers and Shakers Society gains more public exposure, there is not a doubt that Bryant will succeed.
“Because I believe with everything that I have that this is going to be something great, the energy I emit will insure that my goals are going to happen.”