The Pentagon Memorial will open to the public today at 7 p.m. in remembrance of the 184 victims of the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks on the Pentagon.
City officials prepare to dedicate the memorial to the victims and families of those who died on American Airlines Flight 77 and in the Pentagon seven years ago.
The memorial consists of 184 illuminated metal benches, arranged in a field by the ages of victims, the youngest being three-year-old Dana Falkenberg.
In commemoration, other organizations, cities and counties around the metro area have planned numerous events to remember the victims that died, not only in Washington, DC, but New York and Philadelphia.
Arlington County in Virginia encouraged the Arlington community to display American flags on cars, in windows, and buildings in remembrance of the civilians and military officials that died in the Pentagon attack.
“Residents and building managers are also encouraged to take part in the ‘Flags Across Arlington’ display by flying the American flag for the day,” said Arlington County spokesman Peter Golkin.
The events at the Pentagon Memorial have altered traffic patterns. Parts of 395 north and south will be closed and detours have been arranged in all directions around the pentagon. Biking trials are also closed.
For a detailed list of road closures, go to the Arlington Police website .