Financial professional and entrepreneur, Andrew T. Carr, wasnamed Executive Director of the Rainbow/ PUSH Wall Street Projectlast month. The Rainbow/ PUSH Coalition, which is a merger ofOperation PUSH and the National Rainbow Coalition was founded bythe Rev. Jesse Jackson in 1985.
The organization targets economic, social andracial injustices in the nation and world. It has takenaction by registering thousands of non-voters, mediating labordisputes, influencing political policy in South Africa and Haiti,and assisting in the election of hundreds of local, state, andfederal officials.
On Jan. 15, 1996, the Wall Street Project wasfounded to influence corporate America through research andeducation and to embrace inclusion as a means of growth. According to, the project also encourages companiesto form mutually beneficial business relationships by tapping intoundeserved markets.
“Andrew Carr is an excellent addition toour team,” said Rev. Jackson. “He is an accomplishedbusiness executive and an entrepreneur with a strong communityadvocacy background.”
Before his instillation into the Wall StreetProject, Carr was a Small Business Relationship Manager withJPMorgan Chase. During his career with the company, Carrserved as an advisor to a portfolio of 400 small businesses. Carr also is the founder and CEO of the A.L. Carr Group, aconsulting group to businesses and financial serviceorganizations.
Along, with his professional success, AndrewCarr has also been involved in many community organizations. He has been a speaker for Goldman Sach’s Institute forEntrepreneurial Thinking and currently serves on the membershipcommittee of the Financial Women Association, which is the tradeassociation of women and minorities in the financial servicesindustry.