
Grambling Picks New President

Dr. Horace Judson, former president of Plattsburgh StateUniversity in upstate New York, has been named presidentof Grambling State University after a nationwide search.

Judson, senior fellow at the American Association of StateColleges and Universities, was selected March 26. He has a Ph.Dfrom Cornell University.

At Plattsburgh, Judson said he increasedenrollment from 5,500 to 6,250.

Judson told interviewers he had alsostrengthened Plattsburgh’s legislative advocacy program, annualfundraising campaign and community relations, and he expandedcommunity support.

In all, six candidates came to the campus toshare their ideas.

The search committee included University ofLouisiana Systems President Sally Clausen and other board members,who conducted the interviews.

Of the six, two were female.

Daniel Tolliver, a senior biology major fromShreveport, La., said, “The presidential candidates presentedthemselves well.”

Roshunda Smith, a freshman English major,said, “I am very confident that the board would make adecision that is for the betterment of the university.”

The last interviews took place March 25.

The final three candidates included MelvinJohnson, provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs,Winston-Salem State University; and Rodney Smith, president andchief executive officer, RamapoCollege of New Jersey.

Johnson said he would diversify the studentbody by developing programs that would attract non-African Americanstudents.

Smith said, “When I make a commitment toGSU, I would like to see GSU make a commitment to me.”

The Board of Supervisors of the University ofLouisiana System made the final selection.

Eric M. Henry, a student at Grambling StateUniversity, is campus editor of The Gramblinite.