While there are diversity initiatives aimed at making school andwork environments had better reflect America, churches are lagging,with segregated congregations. Pastor David A. Anderson ofBridgeway Community Church in Columbia, Maryland has seen itseffects.
In his new book, “Multicultural Ministry:Finding Your Church’s Unique Rhythm,” Anderson encourages peoplefrom all ethnic backgrounds to move beyond traditional comfortzones, interact more frequently and become spiritually empoweredthrough multicultural fellowship.
“Multiculturalism isn’t a trend; it’s areality,” Anderson said in a press release. “Evidence of thiscountry’s rich racial mix is all around us in our schools, ourstores, our neighborhoods, our recreational facilities – everywhereexcept our churches.”
Allan Howe, co-author of “The DiversityProject: Stories and Practical Learnings about the Origins ofMulticultural Urban Churches” agrees.
According to Howe, there are five principlesinherent for people to understand the importance of increasing thenumber of multicultural churches in the United States.
The second principle involves affirmingdiversity as part of the church’s identity and vision.
The article states, “through worship,outreach, and ministries: worship should be enriched by elementsfrom diverse cultures, and ministries should be developed orrefined to be sensitive to concerns of diverse cultures.”
Howe asserts that churches should build amulticultural leadership team and staff and then enjoy progress andanticipate problems.
“Celebrate diversity: it’s a foretaste ofheaven that we can relish right here and now.”
Andersons agrees and maintains Sunday’s inAmerica are still strictly for church. “In the United States,Sunday morning remains one of the last bastions of ethnicseparatism. It’s time to stop merely talking about multiculturalworship and start living it,” he said.
The final principle looks forward toperpetuate the growth and establishment of new multiculturalchurches.
The article states that church leaders should,”Affirm your vision for multicultural churches by enlisting amulticultural team from your church to go start anothermulticultural church.”
The Multicultural Church Network was launchedJune 1999 to advocate and facilitate the development ofmulticultural churches as a critical strategy for reachingAmerica’s cities.