"The Trill Is Gone"; As BBKing sang so eloquently. The same may be applied to Colin PowellandCondoleezza Rice's relationshipwith Black America.The actions ofthe Bush administration may be tarnishing Powell and Rice's place inAmerican Blackhistory.
From the beginning of the Bushpresidency, Powell and, Rice have been portrayed as trueAfrican-Americanheroes,modern-day Black History Month Icons, right beside the likes of Frederick Douglassand SojournerTruth.
To a largedegree, this portrayal has been acceptedas truth amongst the Black community. The background
Powell is the first blacksecretary of state in Americanhistory, arguably the mostpowerful blackperson in theworld. And Rice is the second black(after Powell) and first woman toserve as nationalsecurityadviserto the president.
Due to their positions withinthe Bush administration, Powell and Rice have become thespokespersons for theU.S. war on terrorism and foreign policy.However,
With the recent revelations byRichard Clarke, then Bush's counter terrorism advisor,concerning the stepsleading up tothe war; the overthrow of Jean-BertrandAristide in Haiti; and David Kay, the chiefweaponsinspector,testimony that Iraq apparently had not possessed weapons of mass destruction; allof whichdirectlyinvolved and fell under the peeveof Powell and
There are no current pollnumbers of the affect these events have had on Powell andRice's creditability,but if you canjudge by the amount of posts/articles submitted on the Internet;