
Bloomingdale Residents Invite Public Into Their Homes for Annual Tour

A residence for nuns, a house with an oasis garden and the home of an educational pioneer are among the stops on the annual Bloomingdale House Tour this Saturday.

The theme of this year’s tour, sponsored by the Bloomingdale Civic Association, is “Fierce, Fresh and Fabulous.” Residents will open their homes to the public from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

To celebrate and conclude the tour, the association will hold a reception at the former house of Anna J. Cooper, one of the most prominent African-American scholars in U.S. history. Cooper was the fourth African-American woman to earn a doctoral degree.   

The reception will include refreshments, food and smooth jazz by Bloomingdale resident Maurice Lyles. It runs from 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at 201 T St. N.W.

Admission to the event cost $20 in advance for adults, $10 for children ages 7 through 12, and free for children under the age of 7. Tickets are $25 on the day of the tour. The price includes a tour guide with a neighborhood map and information on the featured houses.

To enter tour houses, participants must first obtain an admittance bracelet at the information booth, located at First Street and Rhode Island Avenue N.W.

Proceeds will go towards scholarships for neighborhood residents as well as historical preservation and other activities of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.

Tickets are available online at brownpapertickets.com or at Big Bear Café, 1700 First St. N.W., and Windows Café, 101 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. Tickets are nonrefundable, and  cancellations will not be accepted.